Neuro Technology
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Beagle Patch USA Products/Services:


Products: Repair parts for all Neuro Technology nerve stimulators including battery doors, overlays, LED’s, output connectors, lead wires, complete circuit boards for repair and more.

Technical Support on all Neuro Technology products including specifications and checkout procedures.

MicroStim Plus (Neuro Technology 7100)
MicroStim (Neuro Technology 10023)
Digistim II (Neuro Technology 10000)
DigiStim 2 Plus (Neuro Technology 7300)
DigiStim III (Neuro Technology 10021)
DigiStim 3 Plus (Neuro Technology 7200)
Lead Wires for Nerve Stimulators
(Neuro Technology 100057)
Ball Probe Electrode (Neuro Technology 100262)


Our high quality lead wires
Made in the USA
are the Certified Original lead wires sold with all Neuro Technology nerve stimulators. Our lead wires are 6 foot safety cables with alligator clips and are made to last longer (not Chinese made). These lead wires fit most other brands of nerve stimulators. Do not accept foreign made substitutes as sold by major hospital parts suppliers.

Toll Free 800-638-7689



Beagle Patch USA  |  Kerrville, Texas 78028  |  Toll Free 800-638-7689  |  Local (724) 349-4400